No. 188

OSB Logo The Old St Beghian
  Autumn 2015


200 Club

Congratulations to the following who won prizes in the September 2015 draw.


Edward Thompson


Tim Brown


Stan Holmes


David Lord


Stuart Withnall


Christopher Taylor


Dacre Watson


Tony Wilton-Steer


Andy Haile


David Johnston


Alastair Hayward


Gordon Mathison

The 200 Club was started by Nigel Halfpenny to provide extra funds for the school so that it could purchase those ‘little extras’. I have run it for many years. I remember doing the draw in the old library!

Membership in September 2013 was 66 and this has now risen to 72 which is most encouraging. A number of members are now taking the opportunity of having two or more numbers. One member has five!!!

Sadly Mr K.I Harcombe, who supported the Club for many years, has passed away and our condolences go to his family.

Current Finances:-

Money in the bank in September 2014  £3,614.87
Money donated to the School  £3,000.00
Income in Jan/Feb/March 2015 + int      £1,036.05
Money in the bank on September 25th 2015   £1,650.92

Prize money for September 2015 will be £450.00.
This will leave us with approximately £1,200.92 (I say approximately as there are always unforeseen circumstances).           

Projects that the 200 Club have been involved with over the years:-

Curtains for the Memorial Hall, Tools for the ‘Kit-Car Club’, Canoe Trailer and Canoes, Telescope for the Astronomy Club, Interactive Whiteboard, Help with the Ecological Pond, Contributions to both Rugby and Hockey tours, Contributions to Junior School trips, Contribution to the Climbing wall in the Sports Hall, Purchase of two iPad minis for the PE department and two TVs (one with Apple TV) - one for the Pavilion and the other for the Sports Hall (the maintenance team have put them both in extremely good cabinets to protect them), Purchase of new jerseys for St Bees School Golf and Contribution to Golf Lessons.
Over the period that I have been running the Club, over £20,000 has been given to the school and I know that many pupils and staff have benefited. So a big thank you to all our loyal members.

As for the future, this could be the last draw of the 200 Club, but that is up to you the members. For example, your subscription can be used to keep the St Beghian Society going. At the moment it relies on life subscriptions from those leaving the school in the current year, but of course, with the school’s closure, this source of income for the Society will cease.

Please continue to support
us and still have the chance of winning a cash prize.
I have offered to continue running the club.

Thanks to you all for your support over the years.

With every good wish,
Darryl W Davies, 200 Club Secretary and Treasurer.

Contact: or (01946) 67984.




The St Beghian Society    
St Bees School,    St Bees,    Cumbria,    CA27 0DS

Tel: (01946) 828093     
Email:      Web:

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